[ Philippe & Sophie ]
Helping managers to rise up by using their brain, their own hidden skills and passions, with a hint of hospitality.
At the end, it's all about saving time, energy and money.
"Winner of Switzerland's most welcoming hotel award"

What Are your Challenges ?
Feeling lonely? You have no one to share your challenges with?
Life-work balance is not at the level you wish?
At the moment, you can't spend without considering your budget?
Struggling with a concept?
Lacking in marketing ideas?
Battling to delegate or empower?
Looking for financing solutions?
We might be able to help!
-Since 2009-
"Hello, nice to meet you! We are here for you!
We're Philippe & Sophie"
Philippe Zurkirchen and Sophie Zurkirchen, the Chameleon and the Wonderwoman. Whatever needs to be done in entrepreneurship, we get it done.
As a team and multi-entrepreneurs in the Boutique and Tourism industry, we master hospitality to it's highest level, in a chic but casual way through real experience as Hotel owners and managers, Escape Game and Decoration boutique holders as well as... the most challenging of all: parents of 3 boys!
Animated by passion for the overall tourism industry, we have a clear understanding of the day-to-day challenges you can go through. We have experienced the ups and downs of the business, and know how to overcome these difficult stages.
We know what it's like to be 300% dedicated to your business, its management and the consequences.
Thanks to our EHL Hospitality Business School background and our over 15 years experience in hotel management, and 3 other companies the focus on finding pragmatic solutions has become routine.
We are here for you with our broad knowledge in a wide range of fields that have a direct or indirect impact on you, your business or on customer satisfaction.

Do You need a partner ?
Sparring partner | Challenger
This term comes from the Boxing industry and is the person who takes the blows. For you, we are here to challenge you, to ask the naughty questions and make you think twice over your strategies and your goals. As a sparring partner, you have someone in front of you who can take your words when you are enraged and challenge you to canalize your energy onto the right goals.
Project manager | Analyst
We are people of action. Getting things done, is our force! You have a project and need to find professional management to organizes, plan, and execute your project while working within restraints like budgets and schedules? You can count on us.
Administrator | Member of the board
You or your company needs an external and neutral experienced professional at your side to help you in the governance of your business. We can act and take responsability as a board member in its executive committee to supervises the activities of your business, and be at your side in terms of decision making and taking for your profit or nonprofit organization, or government agency.
Coach | Mentor
This term is long know in the business and has been borrowed from the world of sports. A coach is beside you to motivate you, to look after your discipline and guide you towards success. We will be your coach in hospitaity; warm welcoming people and smiles are the main ingredients anybody needs to be happy.
We can help you with

Warren Buffet
“The best investment you can make is in yourself...
the more you'll learn,
the more you'll earn.”
Explore our support Options
Business Coaching
Accompany an executive or a team in strategic thinking, in making contacts in the economic and political environment, or in concrete projects such as designing a business plan, financing possibilities, developing sales channels and social networks, creating a concept for a hotel, restaurant or spa, taking into account the constraints given by the client.
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We are creating a community of same thinking people, same facing challenges.
Start Your Journey Now!
Deliver your thoughs, share your challenges to people who will instantly understand. Philippe or Sophie are here to listen. Together we'll illuminate the path to your sucess.
Receive first keys to investigate your challenge with a free call.